Pendants Blog


Friday, February 29, 2008

Millefiori Pendant Jewelry

Murano glass jewelry is made from original Murano glass. Murano glass comes from the Murano, the glasswork capital of the world in the 13th Century. Glass working technologies such as crystalline glass, milleflori, enameled glass, multi-colored glass, smoke glass, and milk gas all came from Murano.

The most popular jewelry made from Morano Ventian glass beads are Millefiori pendants. Millefiori, which stands for a thousand flowers, gets its name from several floral designs and geometric shapes, which build up its mosaic design. The mosaic appearance of Millefiori pendants is due to the designs of the glass rods themselves.

The glass rods are made of multiple layers of colored glass fused together making up a uniform design along the cross section of the rod. These designed rods are heated so they become soft enough to stretch, all the while maintaining its cross section design. Stretching the rods makes them easier to cut into the many small tubes, which are responsible for the intricate design of the millefiore. These tubes are then carefully laid out, piece by piece, in a metal ring, which may vary in both size and shape depending on the desired result.

Common shapes of millefiore pendants are sometimes hearts, stars, but more commonly just circles. Once all the tubes or disks are laid out nicely, the pieces are heated in a furnace to fuse. What comes from this is the completed centerpiece of the pendant. The pendant is completed by framing the gem in sterling silver or gold and then strung with a chain.

Eric Hartwell oversees "The World's Best Homepage" intended to be a user-generated resource where YOUR opinion counts. Anybody can contribute and all are welcomed. Visit us to read, comment upon or share opinions on bracelets and jewelry and visit our associated site articles for free.

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White Gold Pendants

Application of alloys of white gold for the wares of jewellers, as an alternative to more dear platinum, is known from 20th.

The more than half of people think that quality of gold depends on the color of this metal, but it quite not so.Quality of jeweller good depends quite not on a color, and ot the alloy of gold, that ligature - his test or carat, as she is yet named. Ligature - it and there is an alloy of gold with other metals which help to do gold decorations more durable and steady to the scratches.

To destroy all incorrect ideas about white gold I would like to be divided the knowledges about this noble metal.

White gold is an alloy on the basis of gold, by appearance reminding platinum.At making of white gold use gold 375, 583 or 750 tests with addition in different combinations of platinum, palladium, silver, nickel and zinc.Colouring of gold in a white color is carried out by a nickel and palladium.A lump sum makes to 64%, the yellow disappears.One of advantages of white gold it is the promoted firmness to corrosion and hardness of metal.For today new alloys in which as a bleaching constituent additionally use a manganese or chrome and iron are developed also. In these alloys palladium either is not contained or his stake is maximum small. For them the laboured plastic deformation and workability is characteristic. In addition, there are problems of receipt of intensive white color of wares in many cases. Dimmings and chappy surfaces have to be corrected by mixing.Presently jewellers experiment with black and blue gold. Exact composition and technology of receipt of such rare alloys remain the secrets of firms, openings them.

In the USA there are a few companies which are specialized on the sale of wares from quality white gold.With one products of these companies you can meet - Vegas Jewelry Star More than half of our wares it is decorations from white gold : ear-rings, rings, charms, bangles, necklaces and not only.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Qlink Pendant

Q-Link is a pendant known to neutralize electromagnetic field (EMF) stress effects from computers, cell phones and other electronic devices. The name Qlink is derived from 'Quantum Link' because the technology works at the basic, quantum level. Q-link pendants have been proven to give sports persons a competitive edge and make them feel more energized, focused and balanced. It keeps them in a centered state and completely focused on the game. Many athletes are on record saying that wearing a Qlink Pendant increases their endurance.

Owing to the stress that modern humans are exposed to, the Qlink Pendants are fast gaining currency as a product of choice for people who value performance and optimal well-being. Q-link is tested to strengthen resilience and resistance to the varied effects of stress. It enhances mental performance, especially under pressure duress.

There are different varieties of Q-link pendants available. While Q-link classic caters to the collectors and those who want unique high-tech pendants, both men and women can wear a Q-link new white type pendant. New white comes with a dual-tone design, beveled-edge triangle with two distinct sides, each making a unique statement. Needless to say, the classic pendants are lightweight, formaldehyde-free, and biocompatible with a resonating cell. Other important Q-link pendant types include: Q-link Titanium, Silver Pebble, Gold Pebble, New Black, Polished Silver, Brushed Silver, Replacement Cord, Q-link Ally, Q-link For Pets and Q-link For Horses. Interestingly, Q-link Ally is a sleek powerhouse that can be kept in pocket to counter the EMF. Ally influences up to a 40-foot radius and is available with rechargeable batteries, AC power cord, and a re-charger.

The Qlink pendants strengthen an individual?s capacity to function in an EMF saturated environment. These pendants have been known to increase positive energy manifold and decrease energy drains caused due to stress. Qlink is considered a premier product for strengthening an individual exposed to direct and ambient sources of EMF, including EMF from computers and cell phones.

Basically designed as a wellness device, Q-link tunes your being for optimal living and helps to harmonize the mind and body. The pendants are easy to maintain. There are no batteries and no parts that wear out. It can be worn while swimming and are hassle-free.

Andrew Adler is a well know author who writes on health related topics, like Q-link, Hair Loss Products, & Resperate System.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dependants and Military Brats

Servicemembers aren?t the only ones who create friendships and then have to move on due to a transfer or release from service. Families can also build these close relationships and have to move on to new situations.

Social Networking provides not only a method to stay in touch, but also a method to conduct a search for people who might have been at a post at the same time they were present.

Some of these relationships can last for a lifetime, if they can be kept alive. Merely keeping in touch can keep contacts going and allow relationships to be rekindled when opportunity provides a chance to be together again.

Especially for teenagers, moving away from close friends can be traumatic. Social networking sites allow these teenagers to stay in close enough contact to justify keeping a friendship going. While a loss of contact can be permanent, if contact is retained, it is very possible to arrange for meetings in the future, perhaps even arranging to move to the same region at some point.

Of course, the same reasons that servicemembers might want to find other soldiers who share similar interests apply to dependants and military brats. Finding someone who shares your experiences, being at the same post at the same time is potentially interesting, but it can be even more rewarding if you find someone who has the same interests and has shared experiences.

This can also allow finding people who share some interests even before you reach your new home. Just as much as for soldiers, spouses and children also like to reduce the uncertainty of a new move, and having someone you know on the other end telling you what to expect can make life much simpler. Even when the news isn?t what you want to hear, knowing will allow planning and a response, while ignorance just allows panic.

For those so inclined, even separated by half a continent, these social networking systems can allow shared experiences such as friends taking the opportunity to see a movie on the same night even across the country, or a virtual visit. With a webcam and speaker, it is possible to hold a group chat with friends from all over and have almost as much fun as you can manage in person. The possibilities are limited only by the imagination, and whatever is currently popular.

Parents will be relatively happy since most of the bad things that can happen in teenage relationships are much harder to arrange over a modem. Teenagers will like having relationships that they can keep to themselves, as something uniquely theirs.

On the other hand, parents can talk to each other with other parents who have children and who are facing similar situations. They might even be able to identify the parents of the dreamboat their daughter is talking with online so they can all figure out what little can be done about it.

For a great way to network with or keep in touch with US Military members please check out the author's US Military based social website at

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cross Pendants Aren't Simply Two Intersecting Arms

Regardless of whether you are a religious soul or have become interested in the alluring arrangement of its shape, crosses serve as a deep sign of faith and have also become a popular fashion statement. Whether bejeweled with precious stones, 24-karat gold, or sparkling sterling silver, a wealth of crosses are available on the market that allow individuals to express themselves in any way, shape, form, or weight they desire.

Brief History of the Cross

The geometric sign that is created when two lines or bars intersect with one another at a 90-degree angle is called a cross. It is this shape that serves as one of the most ancient of all symbols connected to humans. While the icon is often associated with a variety of religions (with great emphasis towards Christianity), the cross is not always meant to denote faith. Sometimes, a cross represents the world, the four elements, unions, and crossroads. Today, the symbol has become a popular piece of ornamentation with a vast array of sterling silver cross pendants and other selections that you can find online.

Different Types of Crosses

While the Christian variation is one of the most known examples of the symbol, you probably didn?t know that the first two centuries of Christianity did not utilize the cross, which was heavily connected to the pain and suffering felt during a crucifixion. Below you will encounter additional instances that utilize the cross design that are rather favorable in today's fashion and religious world:

Greek Cross: With a history that dates back to the 4th century, the Greek cross displays arms of equal length (like the symbol of the International Red Cross). The horizontal and vertical bars of equal length on the Greek cross pendant symbolize the intersection of the divine with humanity.

Maltese Cross: When the arms of a Greek cross taper into the center, this selection is referred to as the Maltese Cross. The outer ends of the cross may also display forked characteristics. This cross is often associated with the orders of knights since the Crusades.

Latin Cross: This particular cross exhibits a longer descending arm than other crosses and most often signifies Christ's crucifixion. Most sterling silver cross pendants that you see utilize this form of cross. The crucifix is a Latin cross with the body of Christ and is traditionally associated with Roman Catholicism, but by no means exclusively so.

Celtic Cross: This traditional-style crucifix melds style, religion, and culture into one significant symbol that possesses a circle that encloses the intersection of the upright and crossbar. The origins of the Celtic cross are in dispute?some say it?s a pagan cross symbolizing sun worship; others say that St. Patrick created it.

Mariner's Cross: Displaying the shape of an anchor, this stylized cross is often referred to as the St. Clement's Cross, which symbolizes the way this particular individual became a martyr.

In the world of jewelry, the above crosses and many more have all found their place within the selection of sterling silver necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and pendants offered at most commercial outlets and online stores.

Varied Cross Styles

No matter what the intended purpose of wearing a cross, there is a wide range of styles marketed to the public. While some prefer the simplicity of a plain silver cross pendant, others choose to adorn their necks with crosses decorated with precious gemstones, such as diamonds and rubies. Either approach has been known to satisfy both the individual who views the cross as a symbol of faith and the other who may wear their piece to display beauty and style.

You are cordially invited to visit our online sterling silver jewelry store. We carry a lovely selection of sterling silver cross pendants that make excellent gifts.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pendant Necklace - Useful Tips And Advice To Help You

Simple elegance is often defined in a diamond pendant necklace. This clean piece of jewelry is a classic among ladies across the globe and across time. No matter the time a diamond pendant necklace will be sure to be the envy of every woman in the room. Any lady who has one of these delightful items should consider taking proper care of the jewel.

The pricey addition to a jewelry collection usually takes a considerable investment. It is wise to invest time and energy to taking care of the pendant necklace to assure that it will remain in new condition through years and decades to come. The diamond pendant necklace should last a lifetime and beyond.

Many of us take for granted that the diamond is the hardest substance on earth and we tend to treat our diamond with little regard to their more delicate attributes. The pendant necklace requires attention and care even though it is comprised of a tough material.

Your pendant necklace should be cleaned on a usual basis. The diamond sets close to your skin and the oils from your skin can have an bad effect on the diamond?s appearance. Soap is a natural enemy of oil and should be used during the regular cleanings. It is significant to use a mild soap.

The best way to approach cleaning your diamond pendant necklace is by soaking it in a mixture of mild soap and water. Some swear by another mixture of equal parts ammonia and cold water. The gem should soak for about thirty minutes in this second alternative solution. Many of us prefer using a professional grade cleaner from our jeweler.

Your jeweler can offer a special brush to use to loosen dirt and particles that can hold to the gem. However, the tough gem can still be scratched with a brush so clean it with care. It is important to keep the pendant necklace away from the sink when cleaning. Keeping the solution and a rinse in bowls away from the sink is good practice in general.

Another good practice is having your settings checked every so often. Many women tend to do this with their rings, but the same applies for a pendant necklace as well. Any reputable jeweler is happy to check the settings and he probably will suggest this when the item is purchased.

Once your settings are checked and your pendant necklace is sparkling it is time to show off your fine piece of jewelry. After all your care will be shining right through the diamond.

Glen B. Porter provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for fashion, leisure as well as other related information.

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Actors, Fear Not the Independant Film Makers.

Fly like a bird, and be free my friend-

One of the most special things about being an actor is expression, and there is a place for every actor, old or new, to express themselves. It is a garden to roam in, a playground, and it's found in every city.

Now hold on, don't be asking what Sacreeta is smoking.

For one thing, Sacreeta doesn't smoke; but she does play in this playground, and I implore you to go out and discover your own.

You'll find your playground among the independent, low-budget and student filmmakers, with their auditions, sets and films.

And that's the truth of it. Of course it's not all fun. It's demanding, hard work, often full of growing pains. But that's exactly the point. It's one of the best places to grow, and also an excellent place to practice the techniques taught in the Kamitic Acting System.

Independent filmmakers -- what comes to mind when one hears that is what makes me feel bad for those guys. Most are fresh from college, or were interns, have no backing, are pressed for time, cut down scripts to fit the criteria. There are sacrifices and compromises made. They aren't always happy with that, but they make the best of it.

What if new actors had empathy for IFM? What if they crafted their audition/acting talents toward making life easier for these guys/gals? What if you, as a real actor, walked into the audition with sincere compliments on the script handed to you? It has been proven that directors do consider/respect those who consider them first, and understand that they too, have a dilemma. They must produce a screenplay of value that can be shot with proficiency, while being believable and persuasive, within the boundaries of the filmmakers' budget.

Instead of actors considering this an encumbrance, spot-on actors would take up the challenge, and act within the boundaries of what's available with contentment. Working in these conditions forces the actor to well ACT. The emphasis is no longer on what the film can afford, it shifts to what the actor can do. Spot-on actors, willing to work with little to no pay, are hard to come by, and it's understood. The IFM know the competency of the actors is what will give the picture its credibility, and the actors should be aware that the experience can do nothing but enhance their own career goals.

My response would be, "Very interesting.. concept," and I'll tell you exactly why.

First and foremost: Unknown today=Famous tomorrow.

My friend, everyone has to start somewhere, actors, directors, writers, filmmakers and on and on. Being kind to everyone who crosses your path in the business is not only proper etiquette, it is smart business. It involves understanding what's going on around you, reading up on the latest trends, keeping up with the direction on what's pleasing the crowds (and it is a matter of public opinion who becomes famous-no matter what the critics tell you.) Keeping abreast is as important as knowing the difference between hairspray and product.

Ok. Let's shift back to freedom for the actors, with a few basic considerations.

A good low-budget filmmaker most likely would look for actors who are capable of inspiring and filling in the gaps of a character more than they would in a big-budget production. The actor may be chosen because of a spark of personality that strikes everyone upon their grand entrance to the casting session. The writers of low-budget films concentrate more on the development of the storyline. The direction in which the story takes the character can be influenced by the actors themselves. Having a strong character that is able to take the audience through the story is vital, and landing a role where you have the luxury of such artistic freedom is an excellent way for the actor to grow.

The writers usually create the script with a particular mold in mind, such as gruff exterior, soft soulful eyes and a charming, no-fuss attitude. In walks Johnny, his eyes are dark and mysterious, not the soft soulful look, but his raspy voice and devious grin are irresistibly charming, inspiring the entire crew. They can foresee sequels, and in turn rewrite the script to suit the actor.

Room for change, room for freedom of expression, enhancing your resume, networking - these are certainly benefits to the actors for being in an independent film.

A few extra things to think about:

The director and crew may be a little wet behind the ears. Have as much patience with them as you would appreciate them having with you.

Don't be afraid to question them if you are confused about your character's actions. If the director and scriptwriter are in agreement, then it will be a quick, smooth resolution. Politely and amicably suggest things that may sum up the scene with a different perspective that you feel strongly about, which could be helpful. But keep it neat. Abrupt criticism could simply have you taken off the set.

Study the script. Get a good impression of the plot, the conflict, the climax-and break down the script as you would with a big-budget film.

And finally: There really is no difference when it comes to putting your best performance into your work. Take pride in every acting project you take on, make it your own, and you'll do great.

See ya next time


Sacreeta Veneficus

Senior Staff Writer

RKA Cinema Society, Bronx, NY

Actor:Casting:Columnist:Novelist:Scriptwriter:College Professor:Graphic Artist:Dancer/Singer

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Wear Your Gold Pendant And Flaunt It

A gold pendant is an ornament or charm (worn for protective or magical power) made of gold that hangs from a cord or chain worn around the neck. Even Necklaces have pendants.

Practical tips to purchase Gold Pendants

?Most gold jewelry manufactured in the U.S. is marked ''14K'' which means that the actual gold content in it is 58.3 percent. As pure gold is designated as 24-karat; hence, a 14-karat item consists of 14 parts gold and 10 parts of another metal known as an alloy which works out to 58.3 percent pure, unalloyed gold. The added alloy serves two purposes - They make the jewellery durable and reduce the prices greatly thereby making it affordable too.

?Sometimes gold pendants also come with the marking ''14KP''. Here ''P'' stands for plumb, meaning the pendant is exactly 14 parts pure gold.

?On the other hand if a gold pendant is engraved ''999'' it means it is a pure gold pendant which equivalent to 24-karat gold. ''999'' is the European designation for pure gold. Also sometimes more plentifully available in the market are European-manufactured pendants marked ''750'' which is equivalent to 18-karat or 75 percent pure gold. Actually, it is the 14K gold that is much popular in the US.

?The heft or weightiness of a gold item is measured in terms of Pennyweight. One troy ounce equals 20 pennyweights which equals 31.1 grams. Ounces and grams are the most common weights used in the U.S. and when you see prices quoted on pendants, such as $20 per gram it should be kept in mind that finished items, such as jewelry, have an artistic value that may be actually greater than the actual value of gold in it.

?Interestingly there are a few who would like to buy Gold in colors other than its natural yellow color which also has become quite a fashion. The most popular is the green gold. When gold is alloyed with metal combos like silver, zinc and copper, these metals contribute a subtle greenish tint. Only Copper is used to make pink gold and nickel is often used in white gold.

?Gold-plated items contain very thin topcoats of gold of about seven-millionths of an inch in thickness. Some better quality gold-plated items may also have more than the minimal 0.000007inch coating.

?Rules prescribe that the gold filling of an item should be at least 1/20 or 5 percent of the total weight of the item. Gold content must be stamped on items -- for example: 1/20 14K GF means the gold content is 14-karat and makes up one-twentieth of the total weight of the item.

NamSing Then is a regular article contributor on many topics. Be sure to visit his websites Gold Bracelet, Gold Jewelry Bracelet

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A Circle of Life Diamond Pendant Will Round Out Your Existence

If you're in the market for a pendant or necklace, there are almost infinite varieties, shapes, and sizes to choose from. Whether it's a circle of life diamond pendant or black pearl necklace, they are a great treat or gift to give on birthdays and holidays. Here are the top five choices people are making for necklaces and pendants.

? A sterling silver ID pendant that displays the recipient's name in a readable script is popular. There are three Austrian crystals just below the name that match the birth stone color. It hangs on a neat diamond rolo chain.

? Once again, Austrian crystals adorn this gorgeous Heart's Birthstone Necklace, complete with a dangling 10-inch chain that has interspersed spacer beads.

? Angel Birthstone Charms are a top-selling item and you have a choice again of Austrian crystal birthstone colors. Complete with 14-K gold plating, or you can add your own gold necklace chain, if you wish.

? The Sterling Silver Mother's Birthstone Charm Pendant is popular and is meant, of course, for moms and grandmothers. It has an asymmetrical sterling heart, which makes a great gift for a loved one, personalized with their birthstone color. It comes complete with a 20-inch sterling silver chain.

? And finally the Birthstone Baby Bootie Charm is a wonderful necklace and is also a good choice for mothers or grandmothers who want to commemorate their children's birth month in a unique way. A single gem sits in the opening of the shoe and the charm dangles by itself on a chain.

The floating heart diamond necklace is also immensely popular and is absolutely gorgeous! It comes with a stunning chain that adjusts from 16 to 18 inches and has a very sturdy lobster-claw clasp. The pendant is 1 ? inches by 1 ? inches and is a very thick piece. This is not a flimsy or cheap piece and is sold at auctions regularly. It is heavily layered in Rhodium to give you many years of carefree wear. A circle of life diamond pendant is the number-one selling pendant and comes complete with a two-carat diamond circle. It looks extremely elegant for almost any occasion. If you love to collect jewelry, it is a must-have item. The circle of diamonds consists of 25, round, cut stones totaling two carats and comes on an 18-inch chain.

Another fantastic piece of jewelry is the black pearl necklace. The Tahitian, black pearl necklace is commonly seen in shades of black and gray. Although it does have a black body color, it will vary in its overtones, which are sometimes green or pink. This popular necklace goes well with fair or light colored skin as the pink overtones blend well. Women with dark skin are those who will more easily find the cream or black overtones look best. The majority of black pearls for making a black pearl necklace come from French Polynesia. The French Polynesian government has set a minimum nacre thickness at 0.8 millimeters.

Anything less than that is not allowed to be sold on the market. Nacre is the crystalline, calcium substance that is secreted by the mollusk. It is a defense against foreign article intrusion into its body, and this is the shiny part of the pearl. The Tahitian black pearl necklace doesn't come cheap and you're going to end up paying a lot for this stunning piece of jewelry. Of course, only you know what you like best and even though I've listed the top five selling necklaces and pendants, it all boils down to your own personal choice. Whether it's a circle of life diamond pendant or floating heart diamond necklace, jewelry will make you feel elegant and beautiful!

Terry Price is a successful publisher and author on the topic of jewelry at: Jaw-dropping jewelry doesn't have to be expensive! Did you enjoy this article?

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tiffany Pendant Lighting - Upward Versus Downlight

Tiffany pendant lighting options are as varied as they are beautiful. The storied and infamous tradition of glass-art lighting creations has been carried on to perfection by such manufacturers as Medya Tiffany and Dale Tiffany, Inc. While these are not the only companies manufacturing Tiffany pendant lighting fixtures, both of these companies do employ the same techniques and high quality materials used over a century ago when Louis Tiffany was still creating his masterpieces. However, while the quality of Tiffany pendant lighting made by reputable manufacturers may not be in doubt, the type of fixture to purchase may be causing some confusion.

Tiffany pendant lighting can be found in two basic varieties: upward or downlight. Upward Tiffany pendants are designed so that the light is bounced off of the ceiling and then reflected back downwards into the room. In other words, the upward Tiffany pendants are inverted so that their bulbs and shades both face the ceiling.

For Tiffany pendant lighting fixtures designed in the downlight style, the bulbs and the lampshades (or enclosures) are facing downward and directly illuminate objects below. Other than the directionality of illumination, there really is no other significant differences between the two varieties of pendant styles. However, this subtle difference is enough to make it worth your time to understand how it may affect the lighting in your home.

Tiffany pendant lighting fixtures made in the upward design are actually more traditional. Pendants were designed based upon the chandelier which originally used candles instead of bulbs to provide the illumination. Thus, the candles stood upward and light was reflected back off the ceiling downward. This is an indirect form of ambient lighting and one of its benefits is a reduction in glare.

For Tiffany pendants manufactured with a downlight design, there is indeed a tendency for increased glare. However, this possibility is minimized by the colored art glass shades which tend to diffuse light gently and thus reduce the possibility for glare. However, a downlight Tiffany pendant will better illuminate objects below but may not provide the same level of overall ambient lighting as an upward pendant.

Things will be better illuminated beneath the fixture but the corners of the room may appear darker because light is not first bounced off the ceiling. When the light is directed towards the ceiling, it is diffracted better so that all aspects of the room receive better ambient lighting. In downward pendants, the light is more focused but less distributed.

Quality Tiffany pendant lighting is available from a number of reputable manufacturers who construct the fixtures to the same or better standards than those employed when the art-glass fixtures were first being created. Innovations and demand have led to Tiffany pendants that are available in both upward and downlight varieties. Each type of pendant offers advantages and disadvantages when compared to one another but both are excellent lighting choices for you home. Deciding which Tiffany pendant lighting fixture is best for your home will depend on your particular ambient lighting needs, the size of your space, and the other furnishings in the d?cor.

Pamela Tice is the owner of numerous lighting and home decor websites including Her store offers product and information about Tiffany Lighting and beautiful Dale Tiffany Lighting as well as stained glass windows and fireplace screens that add beauty and richness to your home.

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Friday, February 8, 2008

Diamond Pendants - A Timeless Classic

With holiday season right around the corner its time to start thinking about the perfect gift. This winter diamond prices are dropping making this the perfect time to get her a diamond pendant. Why a diamond pendant? Because rings are expensive and diamond earrings are going out of style. A diamond pendant with a quality chain is something that she never has to take off. Plus a diamond pendant is the compliment to any outfit either casual or formal.

{a rel="nofollow" href= pendants/diamond_pendants.asp} Diamond PendantNecklace

The formal wear of those memorable occasions -- your coworker's kid's bar mitzvah, an evening at the ball, your wedding day -- must be accommodated with exciting jewelry, including a diamond pendant necklace. With a formal evening gown, you'll want to make sure that this diamond pendant is as alluring and fitting as the entire apparel.

{a rel="nofollow" href=} Diamond Pendant Locket

A diamond pendant locket symbolizes a sentimental treasure. Perhaps you are putting a photograph of yourself in the locket, or that of a significant other. The pendant could contain a heart figurine or small diamond securely held inside, which can exhibited for display when the diamond pendant locket is opened.

{a rel="nofollow" href=} Diamond Pendant Diamond Shape

The most common shape for a diamond inside a diamond pendant is the pear shaped diamond. This diamond is chosen for diamond pendants because it is most reflective and beautiful when displayed vertically, for example while hanging off of a chain. Pear diamond shapes are the most flexible types of diamond cut. Unlike other fancy diamond shapes, length-to-width ratio is a matter of taste. Because pear shaped diamonds may be used for engagement rings, suites in necklaces, dangles in earrings, and are an integral part of custom designs, a wide variety of cuts are considered desirable. Typical pear diamond shapes will contain 58 facets.

We hope this has been a helpful diamond pendant guide, for additional information about diamond pendants please visit

Efrat is a writer for for additional information about diamond pendants please visit

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Beauty of a Pendant Necklace

I am truly fascinated by all kind of jewellery but on top of my list stand pendant necklaces. There is absolutely nothing which can be more beautiful. It isn't the glimmer I like. I often find myself enchanted by a plain and tarnish pendant necklace. I try not to pay too much attention to gems - sapphires, rubies, emeralds and diamonds, so I am not really taken away by shiny things. And I surely cannot afford to have a necklace like that. What I like best are unique pendant necklaces which have a story of their own and have a character. My favorite pendant necklace was not originally designed as pendant jewellery. It was made up of a piece of pewter and it was a figure I liked to put on my mantle piece. The figure depicts a wizard, not an ordinary one but such without a long beard, a straight cap and long robes, and there is not a red stone in the wizard's staff, either. On the contrary, it is a typical but an eccentric pendant necklace.

The only thing that helps you recognize this figure is actually a wizard is the staff inscribed with imaginary runes that he holds. My wizard figure has a big casual hat with a puff ball, chubby cheeks, and a large friendly smile. He looks quite similar to a regular guy, so people often ask me about him. This is what I call a good pendant necklace, such that draws attention to you not for its gems but for its uniqueness and charm.

Making your own pendant necklace is not a very difficult task but the majority of people prefer purchasing them from stores. With a little creativeness you can make almost any miniature a lovely pendant necklace. Sometimes you might need to solder of bend the material, knowing something about shaping wire might also be helpful but most of the times you wouldn't need to do that in order to make a pendant necklace. All you need to have is patience and desire to learn. Having these two, you can easily make your own unique pendant necklace.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning jewelry. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Pendant Necklace

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Pendant lighting for your home

The use of pendant lighting in the modern kitchen has gained widespread popularity over the past few years. This is largely due to the fact that pendant lighting offers a great deal of style to spaces which incorporate modern design elements.

In homes decorated in the Traditional style, it is common to see a chandelier or other ornate hanging fixture gracing the formal dining room. Many homes of today, however, sport eating areas in informal nooks attached to the family room or in-kitchen bar seating. In these places, the formal style of the chandelier would seem strangely out of place, but stylish and functional task lighting is still needed. It is to meet this lighting need that pendant lighting has become a favorite option in pre-existing home remodels and new constructions.

As was touched upon previously, pendant lighting falls into a category of lighting called task lighting. Task lighting delivers essential illumination for specific tasks like reading or cooking. This type of lighting is localized, shadow free, and easy on the eyes. In the kitchen, many different types of task lighting are required for different tasks performed throughout the room. Pendant lighting is most often used in eating areas of the kitchen and dining room.

There are many styles of pendant lighting, but all are identified by a single, long cable hanging from the ceiling with a small globe attached to the end. The glob itself is small in size and can either be inverted or traditionally hung depending on what effect you want to create. A pendant light can be a solo affair, or it can be hung side by side in a whole strip of pendant lights to illuminate spaces such as bar countertops or long dining tables.

Far from being reserved for Contemporary decors only, pendant lighting can be incorporated into any one of today's popular decorating styles including Mission, Traditional and Eclectic. You can choose from pendant lighting fixtures sporting geometrical patterns to ornate, floral affairs complete with exquisite detail.

And pendant lighting is extremely affordable. A good quality pendant lighting fixture averages around $100 for each globe. That means that if you were to choose a fixture with three globes, you can expect to spend around $300. When compared with other quality decorative lighting fixtures such as chandeliers, pendant lighting fixtures might be your most economical option in addition to being a very stylish one.

There are also many other reasons why pendant lighting may be your best bet over more traditional lighting options. Take for instance rectangle and oval dining tables. A centered chandelier would likely look out of balance with a long dining table, and it would not be very efficient at lighting the ends of the table either. A fixture consisting of three or more pendants, on the other hand, would add balance to your d?cor and ensure that the whole table was sufficiently lighted.

So, if you are looking for a stylish solution to your kitchen lighting issues, perhaps you should browse the large variety of pendant lighting available. You may just find exactly what you're looking for.

Pamela Tice makes it easy to find lighting products including Her store offers lighting products such as Pendant Lighting and Floor Lamps

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Transition Your Mind!! From Dependant Employee to Self-Sufficient Entrepreneur

Description: You are the only warden over your mind. The steps outlined in this article hold the keys that can free your mind to see all of the opportunities out there.

Please contact the author at: if this article is used. Please include publication location information.

There are a great many of you out there who are poised and ready to move into the next phase of your lives but you are stuck in the starting gate!! You have dedicated a part of yourself to the romance and excitement that surrounds a new business venture but there is something holding you back.

Today, I&39;m going to help you see into yourself so you can take an honest look at why you&39;re having trouble making the transition into entrepreneurship.

As you grow yourself out of your current situation towards entrepreneurship, you will pass through three phases of development.

The first phase is the DEPENDENCY PHASE. Physical dependence is the same as if you were hooked on some sort of substance. Your mind has decided that it is completely reliant on something. It doesn&39;t have to be a substance!! It could be a family location. It could be a physical impairment. It could be that you don&39;t own the type of clothing that your mind needs to see your body in before it can accept that you can be someone different.

The mental and emotional component of this dependence is the most important part to understand. If you cannot get a handle on your dependencies in this area you will get stuck in this phase. That said, this is also the most liberating door to walk through. You have to sit your self down and take an HONEST look at your life up to this point. Remind yourself about your dreams!! Accomplishment in the absence of dreams is impossible!! Open yourself up to the possible and focus your energy toward that goal!!

The TRANSITION PHASE is the &39;get up and go&39; phase. Here you are with a fresh look at yourself and a great business idea. You now face the fear of starting or, if you teem it with inertia, &39; Fear of Departure&39;. This happens often when you have a secure, well paying job that you are contemplating leaving. There are two things that can combat this fear. You need the support of your family and friends and you need to have a business plan that you have completely internalized. This will give you the courage to step away (mentally at first) from that perceived security which is exactly what is holding you back.

The business planning that you have done up to this point will kick in now to carry you on through the execution portion of the transition phase. Lots of work needs to be put forth to ensure that your business is successful. Congratulations!! You&39;re out of the starting blocks!!!

The last phase of development is the most gratifying. This is when your mind re-learns to open up. When you were a child, your mind was wide open to new things. That is how children can absorb so much so fast. Successful people, as compared to lucky ones are those that keep their minds open to opportunities. They are also emotionally ready to capitalize upon those opportunities.

In conclusion, I will leave you with this simple thought. You are the only warden over your mind. You hold the keys that can free your mind to see all of the opportunities out there.

Remind yourself of your dreams. See yourself for what you are today. Plan for your transition to success. Execute that plan and then allow your mind to be free and open to all of the opportunities that come along.

To the success of your business!!!

Dave Hertner

5 Millionaire Information Marketers Teach You How They Pull $10,000 Or More A Month! FREE Report shows you how and tells who these "Super" Marketers are and how they can help you reach your dreams! Your FREE information packed report is at:

Dave Hertner writes articles that are intended to help people get started along their path to success. He has been there and his experiences will help those who need a hand getting started in marketing and in managing their lives.

&39;How to Invest in Your Online Marketing Today&39;Scott T. Smith

Most Web business owners have limited marketing resources, so it
only makes sense to invest in marketing that really works. Today
the top two ways people find what they want online are through
search indexes, and through links.

Which means, search engine optimization (SEO) and targeted link
building are the top marketing tactics today that are worth your
investment. You can certainly choose one or the other, but
here&39;s why we recommend you do both:

SEO services are all about getting you the best possible search
engine positioning. Although search engines are used by close to
80% of the population online today to find resources, currently
they index less than 40% of the Internet overall. Which means
that more than 60% of all Internet resources cannot be found
through the search engines at all.

This raises the question: &39;If people can&39;t find the resources
they want through search engines and directories, how DO they
find them and where do they look?&39;

The answer is, &39;through links&39;. After search indexes, this is
the 2nd most popular way to find anything online, and opens the
door to a much higher percentage of the Internet&39;s resources
than search indexes can offer.

Targeted link building finds the sites where your market
gathers, then works to establish a direct link from those sites
to yours. In this way it brings you one step closer to reaching
your target markets - the people frequenting sites in your
market niche.

And because targeted links enhance your listings with the top 19
search engines and directories today, you&39;ll become a more
visible and a recognized player in your niche market. SEO and
link building combine in a symbiotic relationship, and it works
to your advantage.

Can you see why you need to invest in both site optimization and
link building? Targeted link building reaches out to the online
community to find your target audience and build your network,
while an SEO campaign enhances and effectively submits your Web
site assets.

So make the investment. Do BOTH site optimization and targeted
link building. Concentrate on these two areas of your marketing
online to put your products and services before the most &39;buying
eyes&39; and gain the widest possible reach. Invest in your online
marketing today and you are investing in a bright future,
because your Web site is an asset that grows.

Scott T. Smith of LinkageXpress, the hand-tailored
link popularity service for commercial business Web sites. Get
properly linked within your niche market, attract pre-qualified
site visitors prone to buy what you offer, and improve your
search index listings. For a FREE link popularity consultation
visit | SEOs call 1.800.798.4471

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Choosing And Caring For A Tanzanite Pendant

Tanzanite is a very highly prized stone found only deep in the mines of Tanzania, Africa. There is speculation that the mines will soon be depleted and no other sources of Tanzanite has been discovered. Legend has it that the Masaai tribe discovered tanzanite after lightning had struck the plain brown stone, turning it a dazzling shade of violet. It is said that the Masaai traditionally give tanzanite as a gift when a baby is born.

Brought to consumers by jewelry legend Tiffany and Co. shortly after it's discovery in 1967, tanzanite has been a popular choice for jewelry ever since.

A tanzanite pendant can be a beautiful addition to your jewelry box. Ranging in size from one to usually no more than ten carats, a tanzanite pendant can be delicate and small or bold and big. The larger the stone, the more it will usually cost per carat.

Tanzanite has the amazing capacity to display shades of purple, blue, and even green and red, depending on it's cut and the way the light hits the stone. The most valuable stones are the ones with the deepest saturation of color.

Take care not to expose your tanzanite pendant to prolonged heat or elements such as seawater. Never put your tanzanite pendant in an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. Your jeweler can advise you of the best way to clean your tanzanite, or they can simply do it for you. If your tanzanite pendant becomes smudged, simply polish gently with a soft cloth.

Tanzanite is preferred in pendants and earrings because of it's Moh's scale ranking. Coming in at 6.5, tanzanite is not as durable as other common gemstones. Tanzanite rings are more likely to be damaged than a harder gemstone. Pendants and earrings do not usually take as many jostles and hits the way rings might in everyday situations, so tanzanite is a fine choice for these types of jewelry.

For more information visit Tanzanite or Gemstone.

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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mother and child pendant: the gift of a mother's love

A mother's love is the greatest gift of all. With no requirements or demands; nothing is held back. Rare is the jewelry design that truly captures the emotion and power of maternal love. A Mother and Child pendant is a loving symbol of the unbreakable bond between a mother and child. No matter what a mother will always love her child.

A mother and child pendant is a stylized pendant depicting the embrace of a mother and child. They come in a myriad of different styles, using white or yellow gold, or even two tone. They can even be set with diamonds. For mothers with more than one child mother and child pendants come in twin or triplet styles. The original and most beautiful designs are those created by Janel Russell.

Janel Russell's story:

Janel Russell is blessed with two gifts: her creativity and her son.

When Janel was a young mother she enrolled in the Minneapolis Vocational School and studied jewelry manufacturing and design. Later Janel went to work for Gary Bonstrom at G. Allen Jewelers. After work hours were done Janel would stay to work on her own designs. She dreamed of creating a design that would celebrate her great love for her child.

Janel had worn a single pearl around her neck ever since her son had been born. It was her unconscious habit to constantly play with the pearl until it would literally wear out and need to be replaced. In 1980, after her pearl had worn out yet again, Janel decided to create a design that would showcase to the world the unbreakable bond between her and her son.

In 1980 the mother and child pendant was born. Janel proudly wore the beautiful piece, and soon friends and family were asking Janel to make one for them. The mother and child pendant became a phenomenon. In 1981, Kirchner Corporation, who arranged to market it in the U.S. as Mother and Child?, discovered Janel's copyrighted design. Janel's Mother and Child? jewelry line quickly became one of the most sought after family-theme jewelry items in history.

Where is the best place to purchase a mother and child pendant?

To get an idea of the different styles and prices that are available in a mother and child pendant it is convenient to view them online.

Just type "mother and child pendant" into an Internet search engine like Google or Yahoo and you will find several reliable websites that specialize in mother and child pendants.

The cost of a mother and child pendant is dependant upon the metal used and whether or not it is set with diamonds. In solid 14K yellow or white gold, a mother and child pendant should cost about $150 to $200. The same pendant with diamonds can range from $260 to $350, depending on the diamonds.

The bond of love:

Every mother cherishes the bond she shares with her child. A bond so strong that nothing and nobody can challenge it. A mother and child pendant signifies and celebrates that bond. A mother and child pendant celebrates love at its most profound.

Casey Buell is an expert in the field of gemstones and diamonds, and a contributor to the award winning mother's ring website located at

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