Pendants Blog


Friday, February 29, 2008

White Gold Pendants

Application of alloys of white gold for the wares of jewellers, as an alternative to more dear platinum, is known from 20th.

The more than half of people think that quality of gold depends on the color of this metal, but it quite not so.Quality of jeweller good depends quite not on a color, and ot the alloy of gold, that ligature - his test or carat, as she is yet named. Ligature - it and there is an alloy of gold with other metals which help to do gold decorations more durable and steady to the scratches.

To destroy all incorrect ideas about white gold I would like to be divided the knowledges about this noble metal.

White gold is an alloy on the basis of gold, by appearance reminding platinum.At making of white gold use gold 375, 583 or 750 tests with addition in different combinations of platinum, palladium, silver, nickel and zinc.Colouring of gold in a white color is carried out by a nickel and palladium.A lump sum makes to 64%, the yellow disappears.One of advantages of white gold it is the promoted firmness to corrosion and hardness of metal.For today new alloys in which as a bleaching constituent additionally use a manganese or chrome and iron are developed also. In these alloys palladium either is not contained or his stake is maximum small. For them the laboured plastic deformation and workability is characteristic. In addition, there are problems of receipt of intensive white color of wares in many cases. Dimmings and chappy surfaces have to be corrected by mixing.Presently jewellers experiment with black and blue gold. Exact composition and technology of receipt of such rare alloys remain the secrets of firms, openings them.

In the USA there are a few companies which are specialized on the sale of wares from quality white gold.With one products of these companies you can meet - Vegas Jewelry Star More than half of our wares it is decorations from white gold : ear-rings, rings, charms, bangles, necklaces and not only.

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